5 Nov 2014

the elemental sequence

elemental games

we take this body , this
passive solid &
change . we play
with fluids , piss
and plasma pump . we
breathe & rise , generate
sparks . 're just brief
dots in energy
dark expansion
until the dark


elemental dystrophy

these bones need blood
to move . all those failed
sacrifices lacked
breath , were so
obvious . you
don't slit throats , eat
hearts to fly
on sharp flames

you fuck . you flourish

elemental dependencies

after searching so long
for fire , bringing
flame , he found
you can't let go
of boredom , the next
breath & spurt of blood
a liver is essential
& death is forever

let's dance

elemental prison

by bone , shaped
by blood
breathing makes you
delicate . it's in
your eyes I see
the rarities , the flecks
of gold . they do not
escape . they argue
till the sun darkens
& the bones lie down

elemental unbalance

no rain
these bones 're dry
& hollow . shake 'em
for luck , shake 'em
for blood . ain't no
glory in this
land . fires
on the mountain . hot
winds through parched
valleys . no cum
no more . no sweet juice
for life . only welding
plates for automatons

they don't breathe

elemental harvest

collections of bones
give structure to blood . flesh
is an aggregate . no constant
factor & breathing
brings sparks like
fingers in sockets , lightning
in dead bodies . will this
monster obey ? or will they come
with bell & candle
sword & sickle
to make a final harvest

a final burning

elemental times

all these crowded lines
of time , withered
& diminished
at each old moon . this
unglorious scree of pagan
flights looking
for a curse . this
de-constructed image

empty . limping away
false angler , bastard
king , certain members
less . I shall be nothing
in the aether . shall not
know you

it goes . it comes

elemental ocean

listening to waves
whisper of whales
& stigmata of squid . words
pour down in time . trees
bend in deep green , hear
tales which flow
in sand

in every drop
of silent matter , these words
don't choose . they
swim in fire
burn myths

the ocean sings

elemental poet

words fall
on dry earth . blood
will shape them . breath
will voice them
bring fire
let them burn
into sight

have meaning

elemental geography

this is a molecular
agreement , a temporary
positioning for future
moves . we watch 
for tsunamis , wait
for flame

elemental growth

is no god here . we
are not heathen
& heart is just
a cell construct pumping
blood for chemical exchange
I do not know
what a soul is , have
not measured it , but
there is a spark

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