the disguised ragtime virgin princess made her incognito appearance according to schedule. Accompanying her was her team of detectives and bodyguards, her maid-of-honour and her two pyrenean mountain dogs - all of whom had also been disguised, of course.
When a local man, fooled by her camouflage into thinking that she was a certain prostitute from Greek Street, leapt on her with a cry of "Molly Grey, you old fucker!", he found himself beaten up against W.H. Smith's plate glass window advertising plastic replicas of the crown jewels, with his neck broken in three places. "Must've been mistaken, " he mumbled, as he crawled off into the shadows to pull his zip up and die like a gentleman.
Soon it became obvious to one and all that this pock-marked lady was not just another little rich girl slumming it for the sake of her education. "Who the bloody hell are you?" they greeted her with all the respect due to strange personnages. "Who the bloody hell are you?", all of one accord.
At this, the maid-of-honour and the two pyrenean mountain dogs circulated among the crowd and whispered in many ears that this was no common or garden harlot but was, in fact, their princess, their one and only virgin princess. The crowd was exceedingly surprised by this because they didn't know that they had a virgin princess and anyway, wasn't it a pity that she was so ugly. Nevertheless, they all bowed and sang "God Save our Gracious Virgin Princess" to her, after which they all went about their normal business and didn't bother her anymore - which is how all good citizens of any good police state should conduct themselves.
Nevertheless, ....
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